
Instant Products Group engages with the community as a whole through its partnership with organisations and sponsorship of events. Sponsorship requests should initially be directed to our Public Relations and Marketing Team.

Stefan Giuffre
0422 538 213

Our marketing team will assess your sponsorship proposal carefully but to assist them please make sure the proposal addresses the following criteria,

  • Sponsorship Value (Total dollar value being sought)
  • Sponsorship Type – Cash, Value in Kind
  • VIK requests will require a clear outline of the following
    • products and the quantities required
    • services required
    • delivery and collection dates
  • Sponsorship Benefits – marketing exposure, logo representation, websites, social media exposure etc.
  • Corporate Hospitality options (if applicable)
  • Ticketing options (if applicable)

Once the full package of sponsorship details has been assessed this will be provided the Managing Director for discussion and approval.

We kindly request that you do not make requests directly to employees within our businesses for sponsorship.